EHR Tutor Blog

Sharing the blog love

Written by user | Sep 18, 2014 2:28:00 PM

We were recently named one of the Top 100 Nursing Blogs and couldn't be happier! We try to update our blog as frequently as possible to share Nursing news, tips and tools for Nurse Educators and Nursing Students. So thank you for noticing us! 

The whole thing got us thinking, what other blogs do we like? We try to share resources for students and instructors, so we've posted a ton of links in the past. But as for general blogs? We've never ventured down that road before. So here  are some of our favorites: 
The Nerdy Nurse: For any tech-loving nurses out there, this blog is top notch. Topics range from appropriate use of social media to updates in the realm of HIT to cool gadgets every nurse should have (or at least lust after). 
NursingGuide: This is technically a Twitter account, but they post great "Brain Flex" questions to brush up on your nursing skills or test out your knowledge if you're still a student. 
NurseZone: For an all-around great website with news, tips and information no matter where you are in your Nursing career, this website is always helpful. We peruse this site at least once a week when looking for new information and new topics in the field of Nursing. 
Off the Charts: This one tends to be slightly more academic and is a good read if you're looking for serious topics and real news. Great for reference and brushing up on knowledge. 
Happy Place: Our last pick has nothing to do with Nursing. But if you've never had a day with a patient that just makes you want to curl up in a ball and watch cat videos, you're not doing this Nursing thing right. So when you need a break and need some giggles, this blog has your back. It works equally well for students in need of a thought-free study break.