EHR Tutor Blog

Connecting Rural Schools to Technology... Let's talk grants.

Jun 29, 2013 11:55:00 PM / by user

While browsing the web for grants to help fund schools looking to purchase an academic EHR system, I found one common thread running through many technology grants - a focus on rural education.  

For those schools serving rural populations or running programs that provide distance learning to sparsely populated communities, here are some grants that make paying for an academic EHR (like EHR  Tutor!!) a little easier.

1. The DLT Grant Program  
Grant Range: 
$50,000 - $500,000
What the website says:
The DLT Grant Program competitively selects and funds projects that place distance learning and/or telemedical equipment in rural facilities capable of linking local service providers of education and/or healthcare directly to educators and medical professionals and specialists located in distant areas. Rural facilities can include public or private schools, training facilities, higher learning institutions, libraries, health clinics, rural hospitals, ambulance services and other rural community facilities. The kinds of learning and health care services that are funded originate at the grass roots level and represent needed services which are tailored to the areas from which the projects originate.
What it means for your school:
Does your school provide e-learning or distance learning options? If so you may qualify by connecting rural students to "education/nursing specialists". EHR  Tutor fits in to this grant perfectly considering it's a web based program. Which means, students can log in anywhere in the world (perfect for e-learnings and distance learning)

Grant Range: 
$1,000 to $5,000
What the website says: 
One of the most popular and competitive FRED programs, the Technology Grants for Rural Schools program, was created to help meet the growing need for innovative technology in the classroom.  The grants strive to help public schools, served by OPASTCO members, connect to high speed broadband, bring modern computers to every classroom, and ensure effective, engaging software and online resources are an integral part of the curriculum.
What it means for your school: 
If you're a school that serves a rural population, you should definitely take a look at this one. Any demonstrated use of innovating software or technology in the classroom is supported by this grant. EHR Tutor fits perfectly into the category of "engaging software and online resources [that are] an integral part of the curriculum". Plus, we're designed to be a part of your existing curriculum, not a separate course or tool. "Integral part of the curriculum"? Check. 
2013 applications will be posted online in June. 

As for all of your non-rural schools, keep your eyes open. We'll be posting a more comprehensive post on general technology and health grants soon. 

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