EHR Tutor Blog

EHR Tutor now integrates with Medication Cabinets!

Jun 13, 2016 12:12:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, medication dispenser cabinet, academic EHR, medication cart


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F.A. Davis partners with Noggin LLC to sell EHR Tutor with its texts

Apr 18, 2016 7:00:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, academic EHR, academic EMR, electronic health records, EMR, F.A. Davis


EHR Tutor, an easy-to-use electronic health records system, will be available to package with all F.A. Davis texts.
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Medication Administration - lab idea and quiz

Feb 4, 2016 6:31:00 AM / by user posted in nursing education, skills lab, academic EHR, academic EMR, barcode scanning, medication administration, simulation, teaching idea

1 Comment

We have a few instructors who all came up with an excellent lab idea independently. It's really interesting when we hear from schools because so often people will arrive at similar use-cases without interacting with each other at all. This activity was one of those times. A modified version adapted from each instructor's idea is below:

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Pocket Nurse(R) Demo Dose(R) and EHR Tutor Integration and Webinar

Jan 13, 2016 6:45:00 AM / by user posted in pocket nurse, academic EHR, academic EMR, barcode scanning, demo dose, medication administration, simulation


Medication Administration in Nursing and Allied Health Simulation with EHR Tutor and Pocket Nurse® Demo Dose® Integration
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Tips for Choosing an Academic Electronic Health Records System (EHR/EMR)

Dec 7, 2015 10:09:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, health science education


For schools considering solutions to electronic charting, picking an Academic EHR system can be overwhelming. Once you choose a product that fits the needs of your school, there are still dozens of factors to consider. To make the process easier, we've compiled some points to ask your sales representative when reviewing products.

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Electronic charting to make a skills lab more realistic

Nov 30, 2015 9:27:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, nursing education, academic EHR, EHR, electronic health records, health science education, simulation, teaching idea


We recently did a webinar on how to use our electronic charting system, EHR Tutor, to make a scenario more realistic when working in a basic skills lab. For anyone who is a customer of ours, make sure you check out "Instructor Resources" within EHR Tutor to view the webinar. For everyone else, we're including a quick idea below.

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Utilizing outside resources within an EHR system: A few ideas

Apr 15, 2015 11:56:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, EMR, free resources, health science education, teaching idea


We recently did a webinar on using outside resources within your EHR system. If you're a customer of EHR Tutor, feel free to check out the Resource Library to watch the recording, but if you're not, we're posting some very basic ideas below:

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Join our free Webinar: Utilizing Outside Resources, Inside your EHR System

Mar 27, 2015 10:14:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, nursing education, webinar, academic EHR, academic EMR, Diane Yeager, EHR


April 1, 2015 at 3:00pm ET

Register here:

This 20 minute webinar will discuss how you can utilize outside resources (videos, sound, etc.) from other websites or programs while working within your Electronic Health Records System to enhance the charting experience. Even when you're using a charting program, you can be pulling in the resources that you typically use without much additional work. Doing so creates a more dynamic experience both in the classroom and in the simulation lab.
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Lecture Ideas with an EHR: Hygiene

Mar 11, 2015 9:57:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, classroom, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, health science education, Medical Assistant, teaching idea


We often talk about how an EHR system can be used in the classroom as well as in the Simulation Lab or after clinical rotations. However, we realized we rarely post ideas for how to do so on this blog. Sure, we've mentioned it in passing in relation to EMS/EMT programs, Vaccines, Nutrition and our recently added Polling Feature, but we've decided to do a few posts specifically with classroom and lecture ideas.

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Virtual Patients and EHRs - Both great, but very different.

Mar 9, 2015 9:42:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, health science education, simulation


We recently attended the COADN conference in San Diego and met a lot of amazing schools and vendors. Like always, we thought we'd highlight a great vendor and point out a few differences between their product and ours for the sake of clarity.

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