Here at EHR Tutor, we have several customers whose schools focus on international students. If you also find yourself with a large portion of students from other countries with language and/or cultural differences, we've compiled a few helpful teaching ideas.
Nursing Education for International Students
Dec 21, 2015 10:42:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, medical terminology, nursing education, classroom, health science education, international nursing students, math, teaching idea
Lecture Ideas with an EHR: Hygiene
Mar 11, 2015 9:57:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, classroom, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, health science education, Medical Assistant, teaching idea
We often talk about how an EHR system can be used in the classroom as well as in the Simulation Lab or after clinical rotations. However, we realized we rarely post ideas for how to do so on this blog. Sure, we've mentioned it in passing in relation to EMS/EMT programs, Vaccines, Nutrition and our recently added Polling Feature, but we've decided to do a few posts specifically with classroom and lecture ideas.
Why Use Polling or Clickers?
Dec 29, 2014 8:52:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, nursing education, polling, classroom, teaching idea
When we came out with our polling feature, we couldn't wait to announce it to the world. However, we've noticed that not everyone knows where to start with a polling tool. So for any instructors looking for tips on when and how to use our Polling feature (which is included in the cost of EHR Tutor) or has a clicker system, here are some general ideas that might lead you to some uses in the classroom.
Nursing & Math Teaching Idea: pounds to kilograms
Jun 24, 2014 9:38:00 AM / by user posted in electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, classroom, electronic health records, EMR, math, Medical Assistant, medication administration, teaching idea
In honor of sponsoring the Medical Math Competition at Skills USA this year, we thought we'd post another idea for incorporating math into your Nursing and Health Occupations classroom while using an EHR.
EHRs and Math Skills - kill two birds with one stone!
Jun 12, 2014 9:28:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, classroom, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, math, Medical Assistant, medication administration, teaching idea
For non-nurses, it may come as a surprise that math is such a big factor in nursing education and nursing in general. But here at EHR Tutor, we understand just how crucial it is for a nurse to be able to determine the correct dosage of a medication or attach the proper amount of fluid in an IV bag.
Teaching Idea: Electronic Charting + Nutrition
Feb 24, 2014 1:20:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, classroom, electronic health records, EMR, teaching idea
Last week we were at the IACTE Conference and did a presentation about using an Academic EHR in the classroom. During the session we had help from our audience to come up with some great teaching tips and tools for Nutrition programs and Nutrition classes.