EHR Tutor Blog

Academic EHRs - not just for hospital simulations! How to teach clinic and office based skills as well.

Jun 30, 2014 1:10:00 PM / by user

We recently had a school ask us if our program could be used to demonstrate clinic/office skills as well as hospital skills.

So we've sat down and thought about it to come up with some ideas for Graduate Programs, Medical Assistant programs or any other school focusing on clinic related experiences instead of hospital experience.

  • Patient Registration: Out patient registration form is used pretty heavily by Medial Assistant, HIM and HIT programs. We also realized this is something office-based nurses or Nurse Practitioners may want to use. While we don't focus on coding and billing, we do have the basics of Patient Registration for entering initial patient data (contact information, insurance and billing basics). 
  • Patient Education: While this is also a hospital related feature, patient education is huge in a clinic/office setting. For every diagnosis, sinus infection, breast feeding lesson or medication given to a patient, some education must be done. Oftentimes, that comes with a handout for the patient, which is why we recently added our Patient Education Resource Link with links to info-sheets on different topics. 
  • Lab Results: Students can chart any lab results for a patient. For Nurse Practitioners, nurses working in an office setting, or Physician's Assistants, this may be something your students would be doing on a regular basis in the future. 
In addition to those items, we always have Assessment flowsheets, basic charting for vital signs and patient history and the ability to record orders for medications and tests. 
How do you use an Academic EHR system with your Nurse Practitioner students or office-based scenarios? We always love hearing additional ideas! 

Topics: EHR Tutor, Nurse Practitioner, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, Medical Assistant, teaching idea


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