EHR Tutor Blog

Quick Nursing activities before holiday vacation/breaks

Dec 22, 2014 10:37:00 AM / by user

It's always a little bit tricky to find a good balance between useful and quick activities to keep students busy the day before a holiday or break. You don't want to start teaching a new topic, but you don't want to completely waste the day away either.

That's why we love to use before-break days as review! If you have a projector or Smart Board in your room, open to find a ton of free games to use with your students. The Millionaire Game is a great way to involve the whole class by trying to get all the way to a million dollars as a group. For each question, have students show a raise of hands for the answer and choose the answer with the most votes. That way everyone will be involved and hopefully students who have been studying will use their skills to persuade the others on the right answer.

If you prefer traditional trivia questions,  you can also check out Nursing Games on Learning Nurse.

If you have any good ideas for what to do with students on before-break days, feel free to share them in the comments!

Topics:, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, freenursetutor, health science education


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