When we talk to Simulation Lab Coordinators and Instructors, we've come across all sorts of setups. We've met High-Fidelity Sim Lab Coordinators, Nursing Instructors who use the old school, low-tech mannequins and instructors of new programs who are using a combination of virtual, paper and volunteer patients. Not only have we talked to each type of school, but we have all varieties of instructors and schools using EHR Tutor in effective, interesting ways. So just because your school does things a little bit different, doesn't mean your students can't benefit from the latest technology. Here's how:
How to use an EHR no matter what type of simulation experience your students have
Sep 10, 2014 9:53:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, simulation, teaching idea
Webinar recording: Adding Complexity to Patient Scenarios
May 5, 2014 8:42:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, video, webinar, academic EHR, academic EMR, Diane Yeager, EHR, patient scenario, simulation, teaching idea
For anyone who missed it, I'm including a link to our most recent webinar with teaching ideas for adding complexity to patient scenarios. If you'd like to be on our list for future webinars, be sure to add your email here: http://eepurl.com/O4ldj
Free Webinar: Adding Complexity to Patient and Simulation Scenarios While Using an EHR
Apr 28, 2014 10:53:00 AM / by user posted in nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, webinar, patient scenario, simulation, teaching idea
For those of you who aren't familiar with us already, we host monthly webinars to share teaching ideas for instructors who are using, or thinking about using, an Academic EHR system. Our webinars are not sales pitches, so even if you have a system you're happy with you might learn a new way to use what you already have! Register with the information below if you'd like to join and don't forget to sign up for our email list so you know every time we host a new webinar.
Teaching Idea: Shared charting scenario
Apr 2, 2014 12:27:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, Medical Assistant, patient scenario, simulation, teaching idea
We recently did a webinar on Shared Charting (a feature we recently released on EHR Tutor) and we thought that even the instructors who could not attend might appreciate one of the scenarios we covered.