EHR Tutor Blog

Google Apps for Education

Jan 7, 2014 3:59:00 PM / by user posted in google apps, free resources, google apps for education, Techpluto


We were recently cleaning up some of the Free Educator's Resources on and realized we had some overlap in our blog and resources. We also were missing some information on our blog that we had on our resources list, so we're starting to remedy that now. 

For anyone who has not used the resources on, here are one of our favorite links. We've written about using Google Apps in the classroom multiple times including ideas for how to use Google Calendar for a syllabus supplement and due date reminder, using forms for quizzes or assignments and Google Hangouts for study groups

However, we're not the first people in the world to recognize the usefulness of Google Apps in education. offered a great assessment of Google Apps in any educational environment including videos and testimonials on how to do that. Check out the article here. 

One of my favorite points? "Save money by outsourcing your infrastructure overheads to Google : Google Apps for Education takes all your IT overheads off your shoulders by providing you cloud based hosting on reliable Google servers." Who wouldn't want that? 

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