We recently stumbled upon an interesting fact from the American Association for Justice. Apparently medical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in America (based on 2010 stats). Here are the numbers:
Medical Errors... preventable deaths?
Apr 21, 2014 9:44:00 AM / by user posted in electronic medical records, academic EHR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR
Teaching Idea: Shared charting scenario
Apr 2, 2014 12:27:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, Medical Assistant, patient scenario, simulation, teaching idea
We recently did a webinar on Shared Charting (a feature we recently released on EHR Tutor) and we thought that even the instructors who could not attend might appreciate one of the scenarios we covered.
Teaching Idea: Electronic Charting + Nutrition
Feb 24, 2014 1:20:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, classroom, electronic health records, EMR, teaching idea
Last week we were at the IACTE Conference and did a presentation about using an Academic EHR in the classroom. During the session we had help from our audience to come up with some great teaching tips and tools for Nutrition programs and Nutrition classes.
All this talk of medications... Why?
Feb 19, 2014 1:00:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, medication administration
We recently hosted a free webinar on medication administration and have been promoting our barcode scanning feature for the last few weeks. Why? Because medication administration is a big deal in the world of EHR meaningful use measures. For stage two of meaningful use requirements, medical practices must "enable a user to create a single reconciled list of medications, medication allergies, or problems" among other medication related requirements.
Patient Scenarios for the Classroom
Jan 28, 2014 1:00:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, free resources, patient scenario
If you're doing a lesson plan and need a sample patient scenario for the classroom, we found a great resource from University of Virginia Medical School. You can find 6 different patients along with common concerns and problems with those patients.
Recording Vitals in an EHR/EMR System: Stage 2
Jan 20, 2014 12:47:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, electronic medical records, nursing education, tools for nursing instructors, academic EHR, academic EMR, CNA, EHR, electronic health records, EMR, teaching idea
We all know that charting is moving to EHRs and EMRs, largely because of the Affordable Care Act and the HITECH Act. As practitioners are preparing to qualify for Stage 2 Meaningful Use Criteria, it's important for instructors to be aware of what students will be facing in the field from this point forward.
Higher level of use = Higher level of user satisfaction with EHRs
Dec 12, 2013 3:44:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR
I found this chart on Twitter through one of our followers and I thought I'd share it with all of our friends and readers:
Real Time EHR Survey Results - love these graphs!
Oct 10, 2013 2:59:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR
I came across this amazing website that was posted on Twitter. It's a real time EHR user survey with graphs of the results which are constantly updating. Last I checked, 37 people had completed the survey but anyone working at a medical practice that uses an EHR can participate by filling out the questions here - http://www.softwareadvice.com/medical/userview/ehr-survey
The Netherlands Leads in EHR Adoption Rates
Oct 8, 2013 2:10:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR
A few weeks ago, @FrisoRaemaekers sent me a really interesting graph on Twitter. I'm including the infographic below:
Stats on EHRs/EMRs
Jun 18, 2013 6:36:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR
The percentage of medical offices using EHRs/EMRs is skyrocketing. In December 2012 a report was released comparing the percentage of offices using electronic health record usage from 2001 to 2012.