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Get a half a year of EHR Tutor for free. Thank you, Cyber Monday!

Dec 2, 2013 6:01:00 AM / by user posted in Uncategorized


For those of you who are not subscribed to the newsletter where we mentioned our Cyber Monday deal, I'm including the information below. Basically, if you request a demo today you'll get a half a year of EHR Tutor for your classroom for free. You don't even have to make your final decision until the end of the year, just schedule and demo and start thinking about how to use an Academic EHR in your classroom:

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Google Calendar: Another way to use Google Apps in the classroom

Oct 31, 2013 12:08:00 PM / by user posted in google apps, free resources, google apps for education


A while back we did a post on using google apps in the classroom to share assignments and/or the class syllabus using Google Drive and how to have study sessions or office hours using Google Hangouts.

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After the NCLEX: Free courses to keep on learning

Oct 24, 2013 8:56:00 PM / by user posted in nursing education, continuing education, coursera, free resources, MOOC, Nursing Students


We posted about using to improve computer skills in the past, but we wanted to revisit the topic in regards to online education. Massive open online courses (MOOC), like Coursera, offer students the ability to enroll in and attend classes online for free. There's no limit to the amount of students per course but based on personal experience you can get a very individualized education. 

So if you've been out of school for a while and your NCLEX seems like nothing more than a dream (or nightmare!) from long ago, here are some classes that might help you refresh your medical knowledge. Or, just learn about a new area and new advances. 

Contraception: Choices, Culture and Consequences offered by Jerusalem Mokonnen, RN, MSN, FNP offered through University of California: Learn about the wide range of contraceptive methods, and the public health implications related to access to information and choices about reproductive health.
Escpecially good for women's center or labor and delivery nurses. 

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Optimization of Antibiotic Practices offered by Stan Deresinski, MD through Stanford: This course will offer a practical approach to prescribing antibiotic therapy and development of antimicrobial stewardship across all specialties and settings. 
How are antibiotics really impacting our patients?

Diabetes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Opportunities offered by B. Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD and Lisa A. Kroon through University of California: This multidisciplinary course will emphasize the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Topics will include patient self-management, appropriate use of technologies, nutrition, behavior modification and pharmacotherapy in the management of this disease. The course will conclude by summarizing new basic science research regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of diabetes.
A deeper look at Diabetes. 

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Mention in Minority Nurse Magazine!

Oct 18, 2013 11:29:00 AM / by user posted in EHR Tutor, publicity, Diane Yeager, freenursetutor, Minority Nurse


Hey Everyone! Check out the Fall 2013 Minority Nurse Magazine. We're mentioned in the article, "Technology in the Workplace: How You Can Prepare" which goes over several ways you can prepare for technology use in the medical field no matter where you are in your education or career.

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Real Time EHR Survey Results - love these graphs!

Oct 10, 2013 2:59:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR


I came across this amazing website that was posted on Twitter. It's a real time EHR user survey with graphs of the results which are constantly updating. Last I checked, 37 people had completed the survey but anyone working at a medical practice that uses an EHR can participate by filling out the questions here -

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The Netherlands Leads in EHR Adoption Rates

Oct 8, 2013 2:10:00 PM / by user posted in electronic medical records, EHR, electronic health records, EMR


A few weeks ago, @FrisoRaemaekers sent me a really interesting graph on Twitter. I'm including the infographic below:

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FlipSnack Launches an Educational Flip-book Site

Oct 4, 2013 1:04:00 PM / by user posted in Uncategorized


We love any technology resources that have a free version (or are completely free like FreeNurseTutor!) so we decided to post FlipSnack's new educational website.

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Diane Yeager's EHR Podcast on RN.FM Radio

Oct 3, 2013 1:00:00 PM / by user posted in EHR Tutor,, publicity, RN.FM radio, Diane Yeager


We've been extremely busy with new schools signing up for EHR Tutor, but in between all the hustle and bustle, our CEO sat down for a podcast interview with RNFN Radio.

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Free Computer Classes - We Love Coursera!

Sep 22, 2013 8:38:00 PM / by user posted in nursing education, continuing education, coursera, free resources, MOOC, Nursing Students

1 Comment

I'm a huge fan of, a company that allows students to take any number of courses for free. There are hundreds (I couldn't find an exact count, but possibly even thousands) of courses offered for no charge by professors all over the worlds from institutions including Michigan State, Peking University and Stanford. An unlimited number of students can sign up for each class and all work is done online. 

I realize most people reading this blog are either Nursing Instructors, Administrators or students -- meaning you're already paying for, or have paid for, a college education. However, learning doesn't need to stop in the nursing classroom. 

Especially when technology is involved. I know many people have mentioned being less equipped for electronic charting than they would like, mainly because they have little computer experience. By taking one of these classes, you can learn about whatever subject you'd like while getting computer experience, just by virtue of the fact the class is online. 

However, I'm listing to computer classes specifically below: 

Internet History, Technology, and Security offered by Charles Severance through Michigan State University:  What is the Internet? How was it created? How does it work? How to we secure communications on the Internet?
Because EHR Tutor is an internet based program just like many learning management systems, we thought this course would be a relevant crash course in the thing that has brought computers this far: the internet. 

Computer Science 101 offered by Nick Parlante through Stanford University: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. The course uses small coding experiments in the browser to play with the nature of computers, understanding their strengths and limitations. Sign up for the "To be announced" session to be notified by email when the class is next run, and sign up for "Self-Study" to start browsing the class materials right away. Self-Study mode makes all the videos and assignments available to be done at your own pace, but without a certificate of completion at the end.
This class is a great introduction to computers after you have the on/off button and mouse usage down. For a new computer user, this is a way to really understand the machine you'll be relying upon at your job. 

And for those of you on the fence about Coursera, it only takes a few seconds to create an account and sign up for a course. There's no commitment of any sort and you can leave the class at any time if you decide it's not for you.We love the fact we can now continue education without paying a dime! 

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Academic EHRs vs. Regular EHRs: Part Three

Sep 4, 2013 8:19:00 PM / by user posted in academic EHR vs. regular EHR, EHR Tutor, academic EHR, academic EMR


For our third installment of Academic EHRs vs. Regular EHRs, I'd like to talk about one of the biggest differences for us at EHR Tutor between our academic EHR vs. a typical EHR designed for hospitals: ease of use. We designed our entire system as an Academic EHR specifically which meant we had instructors in mind during the entire process. During every step of the coding and design process, we were constantly asking ourselves "What would an instructor need?", "What would help nursing students". We didn't consider just hospitals, we considered classrooms first.

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